* All gifts are tax deductible. Make checks to Chattanooga Historical Foundation
c/o Dean Arnold; 4604 Conner St; Chattanooga, TN 37411.
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Providing various “rewards” for supporting a cause at different levels is all the rage on crowdsourcing sites these days. So I have added that feature for supporting “Reverse Mission Trips” to Ethiopia. Scroll down to see them. (More on the “Reverse Missions Trip” concept here.)
All of the rewards are a form of historic Christian Ethiopian art, and displaying these beautiful pieces is a great way to advance the concept. Heck, almost everyone is unaware that Ethiopia is a 2,000 year old historic Christian nation. Just having it around for people to ask about does the trick. They’ll say, “Ethiopia has been Christian for centuries? I had no idea.”
So, here are the possible pieces based on level of donation. There is flexibility here, so just let me know if you are interested in me bringing you something back pictured below that doesn’t quite fit the level. I’ll try to make it work.
Please consider an option below for supporting
* All gifts are tax deductible. Make checks to Chattanooga Historical Foundation
c/o Dean Arnold; 4604 Conner St; Chattanooga, TN 37411. Also note: these donation suggestions (like “Buy a book” “Resources for Dean’s book” etc.) are suggestive and not conclusive. In other words, if a couple people give $245 for the resources, other such gifts will go to the general fund. There is a trust factor here, and I promise I’m good for it.)
$18 – Buy a book
I spoke to 100 seminary students my last trip. They are desperate for Theology books! The head academic dean of the major seminary in Ethiopia (3000 students) asked me to please bring them theology books. Thanks for considering a sponsorship of a book. They will love it!
Reward: Good feelings. No tangible reward for this, ha ha. The numbers just don’t work for buying the book, getting an item for you, baggage space on the return trip, and shipping it to you. But what you WILL get is what I’m told is the primary product sold by non-profits—good feelings. 😉
$45 – Help travelers be generous
This may seem like an odd sponsorship, but Ethiopia is indeed still a poor country, and many, many people are on the streets with their hands out asking for money. When I hand them the equivalent of 25 cents in our currency, they are ecstatic. Your gift for this aspect of the trip will allow us to bless these people and represent well for American Christians.
♦ Reward: Wood Ethiopian necklace cross. These are cool and really do capture the Ethiopian feel.

$90 – Sponsor shipping of Books
The books we acquire must get to Ethiopia. I am working on a copy of all the church fathers. The best way is in a suitcase with travelers, but those can cost extra money as well. Please consider helping us ship the books.
♦ Reward: Small brass necklace cross. These are beautiful. My wife and I both wear one 24/7, as do four of our close friends that we provided these for (mine brass, theirs silver). The late iconographer at our church (an art professor), as one of his final acts, mounted a similar, larger metal cross I had brought back, noting how exquisite it was. And he knew his art.

$245 – Sponsor books and resources for Dean’s book on Ethiopia
I am writing a book on all this. Working title: Ethiopian Ark: Christianity’s past and future. It will be a non-profit venture. At this early stage, there are books I need to buy for research, but some of them cost as much as $50 to $75. Your contribution here will green light my efforts.
Reward: Larger silver necklace cross. These are beautiful. My wife and I both wear one 24/7, as do four of our close friends that we brought home to them. Our late iconographer at our church (an art professor), as one of his final acts, mounted a similar, larger metal cross I had brought back, noting how exquisite it was. And he knew his art.

$415 – Sponsor one flight to the Monasteries
Once we fly into Addis Ababa, we need to take another domestic flight to the North where most of the historic areas, holy sites, and monasteries are located. Your contribution will empower someone to cover that cost.
Reward: Small hand painted icons in hand carved case: This is where it really gets interesting. These pieces are so fantastic. Authentic. They are probably worth ten times what I can buy them for in Ethiopia. You want one. 😉

$950 – Sponsor one International air fare
A flight to Ethiopia costs around $950, depending on when you buy it, how many stops, etc. I need people to go with me. This major ticket item is the key obstacle. If you feel up to sponsoring an international flight, this would be a major blessing to the project.
Reward: Larger hand painted icons in hand carved case: This is where it really gets interesting. These pieces are so fantastic. Authentic. They are probably worth ten times what I can buy them for in Ethiopia. You want one. 😉

$2500 – Sponsor one traveler’s entire trip
The total cost for a trip includes the international flight, a domestic flight, room, board, taxi fare, tour guide fees and a few other intangibles that add up to approximately $2500. A gift of this amount would allow someone with very little means to join us in Ethiopia.
Reward: Larger hand painted icon in hand carved case AND a very large hand painted canvas.

$5000 – Sponsor a professor/clergy/monastic to come to America
I have relationships with clergy, professors, and monastics in Ethiopia. America would be blessed to have one of them visit our country for a sabbatical term. If you feel led to provide a gift of this amount, it will take to the next level our desire to see more interaction between Ethiopia and America, and between the Eastern and Oriental Orthodox.
Reward: Larger hand painted icon in hand carved case AND a very large FRAMED hand painted canvas. These large canvasses are very tricky to frame. I’ll make it happen for you and get it to you.

$10,000 – Sponsor hierarch and clergy visit
A bishop and two priests have already expressed interest in joining me in Ethiopia. My archbishop Alexander in this interview calls for American Christians to begin building relationships with Ethiopian, Coptic, and Oriental Orthodox Christians. Maybe you can’t travel to Ethiopia, but you have the means to make a major difference by sponsoring clergy from America to forge new ground in what could be a long-hoped-for reunification between these two ancient expressions of Christianity.
Reward: Any combination of the above items. Ha ha. We’ll talk.
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